Womb Surround Process Workshops, in person and on Zoom, provide a very unique opportunity to experience our own blueprint for health and heal the effects of non-optimal childhood experiences.

“Eileen possesses the kind of quiet strength and safe, attuned presence that provide an ideal foundation for deep work to take place.  Her dedication to those she works with is unmistakable – it’s evident in the refinement she’s crafted as a facilitator and in the subtle nuances she observes that allow our more hidden places to be seen.  She holds those tender, excluded parts of our being in a way that makes it safe for them to be met and supported.  In addition to her obvious skill and calming presence, Eileen has that special something that makes her a natural healer. I highly recommend Eileen’s work and facilitation.” — Workshop Participant   

“Eileen is a skillful practitioner.  She is able to create a relaxed, safe environment for participants.  Her training and insights allow her to pace a group through this intensive process so that participants are naturally curious and candid without feeling pressured or overwhelmed.  Her loving, warm and supportive manner encourages the unfolding of traumas and blocks in a natural movement toward health in an atmosphere of understanding and acceptance.” — Workshop Participant   

As a facilitator I create a safe surround by slowly, step by step setting up a circle of support where each person, in turn, can discover, understand, give words to and re-pattern early experiences, which may have overwhelmed us when we were little, and the effects of which followed us through childhood into our adult behaviors. As modern science is exploring neuroplasticity many participants are delighted to discover that even as an adult and even in a later stage of life we can experience profound transformation in brain and nervous system function, which, in turn, reflects itself in many facets of our life.

Benefits reported by individuals experiencing this work:

  • Increased health mentally and emotionally -- particularly in the felt sense of safety and love

  • Increased health physically -- digestion, structural benefits and other body functions

  • Increased health in immune function and vitality

  • Increased sense of peace, feeling grounded and wellbeing

  • Healthier response to stress

  • Increased connection and sense of belonging in relationships

  • Increased clarity in finding ones direction, meaning and purpose in life

  • Ability to move through and transform compulsive patterns which hold us back from what we desire in life.

is a Womb Surround right for you?

From conception to around two years old, infants are fully sentient beings taking in information from their surroundings regarding their safety and lovableness even though cognitive function has not yet developed. Because most birth professionals and parents measure the beginning of an infants awareness connected to cognitive function, protocols for birth and infant care are not baby centered (considering the feelings wants and needs of the baby) and the infant is not included in communication. There are many procedures and behaviors around a newborn that are traumatizing by being painful, too fast, overwhelming and in isolation from their most important resource their -- mother's body. Many hospital and infant care procedures considered normal and standard care are actually contrary to the infants basic needs and biological imperative as they are transitioning and integrating coming from the womb to outside the mother. Because infants don't differentiate from their surroundings and because there is no cognitive function and no words for their experiences, early traumatic memories are experienced somatically, in the cells of the body as a felt sense. In order to survive these experiences infants often isolate and dissociate becoming hypotonic while others cry inconsolably, behave in disjointed restless hyperactive ways and are unable to settle.

Some signs that you could benefit from working with how your early material affects you today:

  • General dissociation, paralysis, anger or anxiety that can feel overwhelming and debilitating

  • Difficulty initiating and following through with our intentions

  • Difficulty in being able to feel love even when it is being expressed to us by others

  • General feeling of disconnection, isolation and not belonging

  • Difficulty in finding ones place and direction in the world -- inner direction, sense of meaning and purpose in life.

  • Difficulty in establishing and maintaining healthy relationships and healthy boundaries

  • Additionally, there are many chronic health conditions that become acute and even debilitating because of all of the above. There is a real biological connection between mind, emotions, nervous system, immune function, structural health and general physiology.

The Form of the Work

Every step of the form of a womb surround is for the purpose of creating a safe, comfortable and responsive circle of support for each participant, in turn, to set an intention (something they want for themselves) and then experience in a slow gradual regression into early traumatic memories in a supported way, experiencing transformation in a new way around that memory and then integrating the new experience into life after the womb surround. 

  • We begin by slowing down, settling and beginning a process of creating resonance with each other. The workshop begins with an opening session introducing the form, guidelines and principles of the work.

  • After we set up the surround, we discover one by one whose turn it is and each participant has a 2 to 3 hour session exploring early material in a right brain experience, somatically with the support of the group.

  • In addition to the somatic, more right brained experiential session each participant has a 30 to 60 minute "Debrief of their session. The debrief is a more adult, left brained review of the session in order to support left and right brain cooperation in integrating the experience in life after the womb surround.

  • Part of the closing of the womb surround are a series of exercises and protocols for further integration of what was gained from the session and debrief.

Private Individual Somatic Therapy Sessions — In Person & Zoom

Often, after a womb surround process workshop, participants may have material that surfaces and/or generally want more support. I offer private sessions at my office for continuing the work individually (or even in pairs or small groups with the stipulation that we are working with one person at a time and their individual intention).

Intake Form

Please fill out and send before the workshop.